Children and families invited to join online singalong

They should have been Singing In The Rain in Queen Square tomorrow (Tuesday 19 May), but instead Wolverhampton Music Service is enabling children and their families to join in with its annual massed singing event from the comfort of their own home.
Instead of inviting primary and special school children to the city centre, which is not currently possible because of social distancing to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the Music Service is moving online to host a ‘virtual’ version of its Singing In The Rain showcase.
The songs, which would have been performed in Queen Square, will instead be broadcast on the Music Service's YouTube channel at at 11.30am tomorrow, giving children at home and in school the chance to join in.
Sarah Fletcher, Assistant Head of Wolverhampton Music Service, said: "We're really pleased that we are still able to present Singing In The Rain this year, albeit in rather different circumstances to how we had intended.
“Nevertheless, this is a great chance to showcase the talents of our city's children and young people, and for them to get active, have fun and enjoy singing from the comfort of their own home or in school."
The Music Service has been busy creating other ways to engage with students during the coronavirus lockdown. It has created 200 tutorials for students which are available on its YouTube channel,, and which cater for all instruments and levels, and has launched #WMSHomeconcerts, putting together performances by pupils, teachers and alumni into concerts which are being broadcast on YouTube.
Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: "Music is a particularly important part of a young person's education, and our Music Service is doing all it can to ensure students can continue their learning journey – and showcase their talents – throughout the coronavirus lockdown. I'd encourage everyone to join the Singing In The Rain showcase tomorrow, and be a part of this very special event."
Wolverhampton Music Service provides quality teaching for children and young people across the city, including the chance to perform with Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra and Wolverhampton Youth Wind Orchestra. To find out more, please visit
The latest information and guidance around coronavirus is available at and on the council’s own coronavirus pages at There’s lots of advice on how people can protect themselves and their families from coronavirus from the NHS at
The council’s Stay Safe, Be Kind campaign offers clear and simple advice about how people can help themselves, and how they can support others who may be particularly vulnerable at this time. For more information, please visit