Pupils tune up for Big Month of Music
Thousands of pupils in Wolverhampton are tuning up for a Big Month of Music.
The City of Wolverhampton Council's Music School is joining forces with the 13 other music services in the West Midlands for the largest celebration of young people's music making ever to be held across the region.
In all, the ambitious, month-long celebration - taking place throughout March - will involve more than 140,000 children and young people.
It is the first major project of West Midlands Music, the UK’s largest collective of Music Services, and includes over 130 concerts, gigs, workshops and taster sessions.
Ciaran O'Donnell, Head of Wolverhampton Music Service, said: "The Big Month of Music will not only showcase the musical achievements of children across the entire region but also inspire and encourage them to continue their musical discoveries by signposting them to further opportunities.
"It also provides a snapshot of the work of Wolverhampton Music Service, and other music services across the region, including in school and out of school activity, workshops and taster sessions."
Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “Music is an important part of a young person's education, and Wolverhampton Music Service provides quality teaching for children and young people across the city, including the chance to perform with Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra and Wolverhampton Youth Wind Orchestra.
"It's great to see so many pupils in Wolverhampton engaging in music week in, week out, and this Big Month of Music is a chance to celebrate their hard work."
Chris Jones, Chair of West Midlands Music, added: "Many thousands of people have learned an instrument, sung in a choir or played in an ensemble thanks to music services over the years. By working together as West Midlands Music, the region’s 14 music services are able to maximise our collective impact, reaching more children and delivering a consistently high quality music education for everyone.
"Big Month of Music is a fantastic first major celebration of that collective impact and of our commitment for the future of the region’s music education.”
Together, the 14 music services in the West Midlands worked with 140,000 children, supported music making in 1,963 schools, loaned 79,789 musical instruments and created 776 events and performances across the region last year.
For more information about the Big Month of Music, and for details of what's happening locally, please visit www.westmidlandsmusic.org.uk/big-month-of-music/.
To find out more about Wolverhampton Music Service, please visit www.wolverhamptonmusichub.org.uk.