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Good-rated school aims to be the BEST

Pupils and staff at D’Eyncourt Primary School live and breathe their school’s aim to be their ‘BEST’, say inspectors from Ofsted.

They visited the Wednesfield school in June and concluded that it continues to be 'Good', with inspectors finding that pupils continue to achieve well.

Its BEST acronym – Being kind and caring, Excel in learning, Show respect and Taking on challenges – was 'very well' met.

Inspectors found a 'golden thread of deep respect and value for and of individuals' running through every lesson and conversation, and highlighted pupils' commitment 'to making the world a better place to live in, both for people and the planet'.

Central Learning Partnership Trust and school leaders work together effectively to 'give all pupils the best chance of success' in the next stages of their education.

Leaders have created a 'vibrant, informative and inclusive learning environment'. Pupils enjoy their learning, and gain from staff seizing 'every opportunity to weave personal development' across the curriculum.

The school has 'spent time and energy' on improving its curriculum, which is 'carefully thought out and well suited'. Leaders and Reception teachers have also worked carefully to construct the Early Years programme, ensuring it meets requirements and feeds into the Year 1 curriculum.

Leaders promote enjoyment of reading and have invested in 'quality reading resources' to support their phonics.

Provision for pupils with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) is carefully adapted to meet their needs, with additional support to help them learn in small steps in a way that suits them best.

Leaders plan a rich set of experiences for pupils, and the children themselves 'speak of their duty to raise awareness on a range of matters', with inspectors saying this 'mature attitude and their belief in themselves as citizens of the future are clear to see and hear'.

Inspectors found that behaviour across the school was ‘commendable’, and pupils told the inspector that they have lots of trustworthy adults around them with there are many mechanisms in place, such as class worry boxes to support pupils.

Inspectors applauded the range of roles and responsibilities available to pupils. Peer mentors, Well-Being, Digital and BEST ambassadors and school councillors all work together for the good of the school. They stated: ‘Pupils are rightly proud of getting through the challenging interview process for these roles. They see it as their responsibility to help younger pupils, for example at lunchtime and when playing games outside’.

Headteacher Danielle Darby said: "We are absolutely delighted to continue to officially be a ‘Good’ school.

“We have ambitious aims for all children at D’Eyncourt and I am pleased that the hard work and dedication of all has been recognised by Ofsted. Our core values of BEST, that are woven through all aspects of school life at D’Eyncourt, were pleasingly reflected in the report.

“I would like to thank everyone in our school family for their contributions and continued commitment to improving the lives of the children who attend D’Eyncourt.”

Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work, said: "This is a very positive inspection which reflects a school that is delivering well for its children and families.

"I would like to congratulate Mrs Darby, her team and the pupils and parents on this excellent outcome and am particularly pleased to see the inspectors recognise the commitment of the children to making the world a better place to live in; this is incredibly heartening and something we should all admire."

Pupils from D’Eyncourt Primary School celebrate their Good Ofsted report with Councillor Chris Burden, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work, and Danielle Darby, Headteacher.


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