Inspectors praise school rated Outstanding across the board
A Wolverhampton primary school where all pupils 'achieve exceptionally well' has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted.
Inspectors described Manor Primary School 'as a high achieving school' where leaders 'strive tirelessly to empower all pupils to find their wings and fly'.
They found that teachers ensure that all pupils including those with special educational needs or disabilities achieve exceptionally well. Pupils are eager to come to the Ettingshall Road, Bilston, school, feel happy and safe there and are well cared for by staff. Parents are highly supportive of the school and praise its work.
Behaviour is exemplary throughout the school, with leaders providing 'thoughtful support and guidance that helps pupils develop in to responsible, articulate and impressive young people'.
Leaders have designed a 'highly ambitious' curriculum, making sure knowledge is developed in an appropriate sequence right from the start of nursery through to Year 6.
Leaders and staff are determined that pupils do well in every subject; teachers’ 'subject knowledge is very strong', the curriculum is 'exceptionally well' taught, and pupils achieve highly and are well prepared for secondary school.
Reading is a key priority at Manor Primary, with leaders ensuring that pupils 'experience a consistent, highly effective approach to learning phonics'. Pupils read regularly, from a 'rich range of genres and authors'.
Pupils with SEND are included in all the school does, with staff having high expectations and supporting pupils' wide range of needs well.
Opportunities to promote pupils’ personal development are embedded in the curriculum, such as learning about different professions - enabling them to speak confidently about future careers – while carefully planned extra-curricular activities and school trips promote their wider development and provide opportunities to build their talents and interests.
Staff are proud to work at Manor Primary and feel 'very well supported to do their jobs effectively', while governors have a clear understanding of their role and actively drive improvements.
In its report, published today, Ofsted judged Manor Primary School to be Outstanding in all five inspection areas; the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and Early Years provision.
Anita Cliff OBE, CEO of Manor Multi Academy Trust, said: “I am very proud of the staff and children of Manor and privileged to work with such an exceptional school team.”
Year 6 children from the school's Pupil Leadership Team added: "We are absolutely delighted with our Ofsted report as Manor Primary school is an exceptional school where extraordinary learning happens every day!
"Our highly ambitious curriculum empowers us to ‘find our wings and fly’. Everyone at Manor nurtures, motivates, and champions us and we are taught by the most inspirational teachers in the city. Manor Primary School is a very special place where the best dreams happen when you’re awake."
Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work, added: "This is an outstanding inspection report in every way, and clearly demonstrates that Manor Primary School is providing a high-quality learning environment for all of its pupils.
"I would like to congratulate everyone connected with the school – Anita Cliff OBE, headteacher Julie Mills, her staff, governors, parents and pupils – on their continuing success."
Councillor Chris Burden, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, joins Deputy Headteacher Kully Kaur, Headteacher Julie Mills, Deputy Headteacher Ange Coles and pupils to celebrate Manor Primary School’s Outstanding Ofsted result with Anita Cliff, CEO at Manor Multi Academy Trust (right).