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City’s ‘youth voice’ get Full Council experience

Members of the City of Wolverhampton Youth Council and other youth groups found out about local politics at a replica Full Council meeting.


Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, the Leader of the City of Wolverhampton Council Councillor Stephen Simkins, councillors, youth councillors and other young people came together in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.


The mock Full Council enabled the city’s ‘youth voice’ to experience what it’s like to be a councillor, and how the role impacts on decisions made for the city.


Youth councillors came prepared with two reports and recommendations about issues of concern that affect the younger population in Wolverhampton:


  • Food for Learning Campaign Poverty Proofing - to approve the recommendations as set out by the British Youth Council

  • Oral Health Review - to receive the feedback from young people on their experience of oral health in the city and approve the recommendations.


Mayor Councillor Dr Hardacre said: “It was absolutely delightful to be with the young people, who are all an absolute credit to their families, schools and education.


“Listening, speaking and accepting other people’s points of view is a big step on the path of democracy and I’m looking forward to them all getting more involved in local politics.”


Councillor Simkins added: “This event was thoroughly delightful and refreshing, and it was my privilege to meet everyone.


“In my mind, there is no distinction between our elected councillors and our youth councillors – we have all been democratically elected – and I will endeavour to make sure that we have more of these meetings each year.”


Chair of the Youth Council, Harleen Nahal said: “Participating in this event has been an excellent experience, providing a first-hand insight into the decision-making processes involved in Full Council meetings. 

“Members from across Wolverhampton's Youth Voice groups thoroughly enjoyed discussing and debating issues affecting young people, with the focus of the meeting being on poverty proofing schools and oral health for children and young people.

“This has been an invaluable learning opportunity for everyone who attended, and we look forward to future collaboration with the council. Through engaging in similar events, we aim to represent and advocate for the voices of young people across the city.”

Vyvian Okoro, Youth Councillor, added: “I really loved the event in the council chamber. I also loved how the leader of the council emphasised the importance of youth voices and having our names on our own place cards. I hope this becomes an annual event. This is such a good event for developing confidence and public speaking skills.”


Last week’s session followed the inauguration of this year’s Youth Council last month, which saw 46 successful candidates – who attend schools across the city – officially announced by at a special event held in the Council Chamber.


The Youth Council is the voice of young people in the city. During their term, youth councillors work closely with local young people and services to understand their issues and raise concerns by representing young people locally and nationally, getting involved in the Youth Council and other local youth forums, attending events and organising special projects, and influencing and steering strategic decisions that affect young people in the city.

To find out more about opportunities to get involved, visit

Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre (front), the Leader of the City of Wolverhampton Council Councillor Stephen Simkins (standing left), councillors, youth councillors and other young people came together in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.


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